Google appointment slots

Then, Google Calendar was launched, and it has saved me since then – not me but many others as well. Nowadays, there are over 250,000 websites that are categorized as Google Calendar customers, and nearly 100,000 of them using Google Calendar. Drag and Drop Events on Google Calendar. Need to quickly move a meeting to another day?

Appointment Slots is a feature of Google Calendar that allows you to allocate blocks of time for appointments – and for others to reserve appointments of fixed lengths during those times. You might find Appointment Slots helpful when you need to schedule multiple fixed-length meetings or presentations with different individuals or groups. Below are some examples of scenarios in which Appointment Slots could prove useful.


Appointment Calendar With Time Slots

You can create an appointment slot when you access your Google Calendar with your BU Google Apps account from For detailed guides on creation and distribution of appointment slots, please reference the following Google guides. (Note: You must be logged in to BU Google Apps to access these instructions.)

Note that you have a number of options for distributing your appointment slot once it has been created:

  • If you are a professor, you can use Blackboard Learn to distribute the appointment registration link to your class
  • You can distribute the link manually to a group of contacts, a series of email addresses, or a mailing group
  • You can invite individual email addresses on the appointment slot page
  • You can invite an entire Google Group using the group’s email address. For more information, see this article
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  • If an individual schedules an appointment using his or her BU email address, it will appear on his or her Google Calendar. It is not necessary to have a BU email address or even a Google account to make an appointment, however.
  • Likewise, the appointments will show up on your own Google Calendar, and you will be able to take advantage of other features such as setting alerts
  • You can invite guests to the appointments, such as a teaching assistant or another e-board member
  • Every BU student, faculty, and staff member has a Google Apps account or the ability to create one

Google Calendar Appointment Slots Not Showing Up Now

Potential Uses for Professors, Faculty, and Staff

  • Schedule appointments with advisees during the weeks leading up to registration
  • Schedule group or individual presentation times for a class final project
  • Schedule one-on-one meetings with lab assistants, teaching fellows, etc.
  • Schedule interviews with candidates for a particular position

Potential Uses For Students

  • Schedule presentation times for a club or organization and its members or subgroups
  • Schedule times for club members to work a particular event
  • Schedule sessions for club groups to meet with a particular guest, E-board member, etc.

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How To Set Up Appointment Slots In Google Calendar

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Google Calendar Appointment Slots

posted Sep 26, 2017, 12:00 PM by
Need to set up a conferencing schedule for students and/or parents? Use the Google Calendar appointment slots feature. See directions below. If you need a 1:1 tutorial drop by the U32Library.

Go to your Google Calendar and click on a day to create an event. In the pop-up window, select Appointment slots (see top right of window). Name your appointments and enter the length of time for each appointment. Click the Edit details to further customize the appointment slots.
Customize your appointment slots here by adding a title, time block, location and description. If this is a recurring appointment slot select the Repeat box and see Step 3 for further instructions. Share the blue link to your Google Classroom, via email, or on a website. Don't forget to SAVE.

For recurring appointment follow the below prompts after selecting the Repeat box in Step 2.

After saving your appointment slot yourGooglecalendar will show the blocked window of appointment time.
The user who visits appointment slots page will see the available spots. They can click on a time slot that fits their schedule and sign up. Below if a view of my personal email calendar.
Your calendar view after guests have signed up for appointment slots.